Bulk Purchase the most favourable concept for today's people. Buyer today is focusing more towards the procurement of buying goods in bulk as compared to buying goods in smaller units. Every organisation are trying to buy the goods in bulk. Wholesale trading business has been increased as they store the stock of the goods that is been buyed from the producing company in a large quantity . Today many MNCs , Large organisation and many other chains of companies.
Behaviorial Changes are been observed when buyer buys the product in bulk . Now a Days buyer prefer to buy goods in bulk. As per the latest reports 2022 Net sales of target wholesalers increased by 10.5 % as they have witnessed surge in movement of buying bulk products.
In every Industry a company tries to get larger of their quantity in bulk so they can enjoy and save their time as well as Money. As they are procuring the goods on bulk they can get at a cheaper price as compared to purchasing small units thus their behaviour while purchasing products on bulk will differ as they are getting the products cheaper than buying those same goods on the market rate and at a smaller quantity.
Getting the goods at a cheaper rate is beneficial for buyer as every buyer follows Cost cutting measures while buying the goods.
Buyers also save their valuable time as buying the goods in bulk help them to reduce the wastage of time than spending extra time on the procurement of goods . " Time is Money" so buyer tries to minimal the usage of time to buy the products by sleceting to buy it in bulk
For instance Restaurant buys goods in large quantities like Ingredients , Utensils etc . Farmers and business engaged agricultural activities often purchase the pesticides and animal feed in bulk quantities . Famous cruise like Cordelia Cruise gives an example of buying products in bulk for their long trip in oceans.
Conclusion :- Buyer"s Behaviour changes when comes to bulk purchasing as it helps him in every other aspect other tan purchasing those goods in small units . Saving of time and money will lead to effective way for buyer in future. Cost cutting and time saving are the 2 things by which behaviour changes while purchasing large quantities in Bulk.
Time is definitely money,and bulk purchasing does help in saving both if done correctly
Very nice blog!
Very insightful
Very good explanation as to how time and money bulk purchase is important . Totally agree with your views.
This blog clearly explains how to effectively use time and money by bulk purchasing..