Name: Darshana Nikalje
Sybcom G 697
Group 9
Bulk purchasing is a purchasing strategy where consumers buy large quantities of goods at a lower unit cost.
bulk purchasing is popular among those who prioritize saving money. Buying in bulk often reduces the per unit cost enabling people to stretch their budgets. it becomes very convenient as people can use purchased products frequently while reducing the shopping trips and reduce packaging waste .
Bulk purchasing in desired units can prove sustainable as packaging waste is reduced and transportation is minimized. For individuals with busy schedule, bulk purchasing can save time and is cost effective, it allows them to stock up on staple items like groceries and household supplies . Family with multiple members often find bulk purchasing convenient .
people who prioritize healthy eating often buy milk and other nutritious products to maintain a healthy lifestly
This perspective of looking at the consequences bulk purchasing creates towards our lifestyle was fun to read
I feel that even bulk purchasing has a cost,as those from low income starta might prioritize saving but won't be able to lock in money buy purchasing in bulk
Very nice blog!
Very insightful
The blog very well explains about bulk purchasing . In my opinion Bulk purchasing is a but hypothetical but then again it depends on person to person .